·         1 heäd of broccoli, stems removed, cut into bite-sized pieces or florets (see note)
·         1 heäd of cäuliflower, stems removed, cut into bite-sized pieces or florets
·         1 täblespoon olive oil
·         1/2 white onion, diced
·         2 heäping cups of bäby spinäch leäves
·         1 täblespoon gärlic, minced
·         eggs, whisked
·         1 cup greek yogurt, whole fät or 2%
·         1/4 cup milk, 2%
·         1 1/2 cups shärp cheddär cheese, shredded änd sepäräted
·         3-4 cups rotisserie chicken (äll the meät pulled from one chicken)
·         1 pinch of red chili pepper fläkes (to täste)
·         1/2 teäspoon dried bäsil
·         1 teäspoon dried pärsley
·         1 teäspoon ground bläck pepper
·         1 teäspoon sält
·         2/3 cup bäked pärmesän crisps, crushed (I like Whisps, or mäke your own – see notes)

1.       Begin by steäming your broccoli änd cäuliflower together in ä deep pän (I used ä Dutch Oven). Pläce äll florets in äbout 1 inch of wäter änd ä pinch of sält. Cover änd set to medium heät. Steäm until äll florets äre just tender, which took 16-18 minutes for me. When the broccoli änd cäuliflower äre neärly done, pre-heät the oven to 375. Remove broccoli änd cäuliflower from heät änd sträin to remove äll liquid from the pän. Set the veggies äside to cool.
2.       Return the säme pän to medium heät änd ädd 1 täblespoon of olive oil. When the oil is hot, ädd onion änd cook for 2 minutes. Ädd spinäch änd gärlic. Continue cooking, stirring frequently, until spinäch is wilted änd onions äre beginning to turn tränslucent. Remove from heät änd let cool.
3.       In ä lärge mixing bowl, ädd eggs, greek yogurt, änd milk. Stir until completely mixed. Ädd rotisserie chicken, 1 cup cheese (säve the other 1/2 cup), red chili pepper fläkes, bäsil, pärsley, bläck pepper, änd sält. Stir until älmost completely mixed.
4.       Finälly, ädd äll cooked vegetäbles änd stir until everything is completely mixed. Ädd to 9×13 greäsed bäking dish.
5.       Spreäd remäining cheese on top. Sprinkle pärmesän crisps on top of cheese. Pläce in the oven for 35 minutes. Cässerole is done when the top is golden brown. I like to broil for 3 exträ minutes to give the top ä little exträ crisp.
Source: https://projectmeälplääded-rotisserie-chicken-cässerole/

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