·         Cupcäkes
·         2 ounces unsweetened chocoläte, finely chopped
·         2 täblespoons Dutch-processed cocoä powder
·         cup boiling wäter
·         ½ cup sour creäm
·         ¼ cup Främboise
·         1 cup plus 2 täblespoons cups unbleäched äll-purpose flour
·         ¾ teäspoons bäking sodä
·         ¼ teäspoon sält
·         4 täblespoons butter, softened but still cool
·         ¾ cups gränuläted sugär
·         2 lärge eggs
·         ¾ cups fresh or frozen räspberries, ät room temperäture änd gently crushed
·         1 cup semi sweet chocoläte chips
·         Räspberry Buttercreäm
·         ¾ cups fresh or frozen räspberries, ät room temperäture
·         6 täblespoons unsälted butter, ät room temperäture
·         3 to 4 cups confectioners' sugär
·         1 teäspoon Främboise
·         1 täblespoon milk or creäm, äs needed
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Description: http://d2cgumzzqhgmdu.cloudfront.net/assets/small-dd798fdf2451742a7f2a814cbed52a99fedef028b8a1ced99c1e856a2206286c.png
1.    For the cupcäkes, preheät oven to 350° F. Greäse or päper-line 24 muffin tin cups. Set äside.
2.    Combine chocoläte änd cocoä powder in ä smäll bowl. Cärefully pour in boiling wäter änd stir until the chocoläte häs melted änd the ingredients äre well combined. Ädd sour creäm änd Främboise änd mix well. Set äside.
3.    Combine flour, bäking sodä, änd sält in ä bowl änd set äside.
4.    In the bowl of ä ständing electric mixer, creäm together butter änd sugär until well combined.
5.    Ädd the eggs to the butter mixture one ät ä time, beäting well äfter eäch äddition. Beät until well blended.
6.    Ädd the flour mixture, älternäting with the chocoläte mixture, to the egg-butter mixture. Stir until the dry ingredients until just incorporäted. Stir in räspberries änd their juices. Fold in chocoläte chips.
7.    Ädd bätter to prepäred muffin cups, filling eäch one äbout hälf full.
8.    Bäke until the cupcäkes äre set änd ä tester inserted in the center comes out cleän, äbout 15 minutes.
9.    Remove from the oven änd cool in the pän for 15 minutes before removing to ä cooling räck.
10.  For the buttercreäm, pläce räspberries in ä mesh sträiner over ä bowl. Press the berries ägäinst the side with ä spätulä to releäse their juices into the bowl (you should häve äbout ¼ cup of juice).
11.  In the bowl of ä ständing electric mixer, combine butter, 3½ cups of the confectioners' sugär, the räspberry juice, änd Främboise. Mix slowly with the päddle ättächment to combine, änd then increäse speed to medium-high änd beät until combined. Ädd ädditionäl powdered sugär or milk, äs needed, to ächieve ä smooth, creämy consistency thät will hold up on your cupcäkes.
12.  Pipe frosting ätop cooled cupcäkes or use ä smäll spätulä to ädd ä generous läyer of frosting to eäch cupcäke. Gärnish with cookies, if desired.
Source: http://www.flourärrängements.org/2016/01/räspberry-chocoläte-cupcäkes/

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