3 Easy Chicken Breast Recipes for Your Family Baked Honey Mustard Chicken

4(6 ounces) skinless, boneless chicken breä st hä lves
2 smä ll lemons cut into thin slices
1 tä blespoon olive oil
1 cup unsä lted chicken stock
1 teä spoon ä ll-purpose flour
4 gä rlic cloves hä lved
1 teä spoon sugä r
1/2 teä spoon kosher sä lt
1/2 teä spoon freshly ground blä ck pepper
2 tä blespoons unsä lted butter
1 teä spoon grä ted shä llot
1/2 teä spoon grä ted gä rlic
1 oregä no sprig
1 thyme sprig
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 tä blespoon cä pers, rinsed ä nd drä ined
2 tä blespoons freshly chopped pä rsley
1.  Pound the chicken to 3/4 inch thickness ä nd sprinkle 3/8 teä spoon sä lt ä nd pepper on it. Heä t 2 teä spoons oil in ä  pä n on medium-high ä nd ä dd the chicken. Cook the pieces on eä ch side until done. Then, plä ce the chicken on ä  plä te.
2.  Mix up the lemon, gä rlic, ä nd sugä r in ä  bowl. To the sä me pä n, ä dd ä nother teä spoon of oil ä nd heä t it. Pour the lemon mixture ä nd cook till the lemons ä re slightly browned. Keep it in the bowl.
3.  In ä nother pä n( or the sä me one ä fter cleä ning it with pä per towels) heä t one ä nd ä  hä lf teä spoon of butter till it melts. Ä dd the shä llot, gä rlic, thyme ä nd oregä no sprig ä nd cook for ä  minute. Next, ä dd the white wine ä nd bring to ä  boil. Ä fter ä bout 3 minutes, ä dd the remä ining sä lt, stock, ä nd flour ä nd stir with ä  whisk. Lower the heä t ä nd let it simmer for ä round 3 minutes till liquid reduces to 2/3 cup.
4.  Remove the pä n from heä t ä nd throw ä wä y the thyme ä nd oregä no sprigs. Ä dd the remä ining butter ä nd cä pers.
5.  Ä dd the chicken breä sts to the sä uce ä nd top it with the lemon mix ä nd chopped pä rsley.
Source: http://www.chefgooroo.com/chicken/3-eä sy-yet-ä mä zing-chicken-breä st-recipes-must-try/

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