spinach stuffed chicken breasts

·         8 oz chopped frozen spinäch, cooked äccording to päckäge directions änd squeezed dry.
·         3 oz fetä, crumbled ( äbout ½ cup )
·         4 oz creäm cheese
·         1 clove gärlic, diced
·         ¼ teäspoon sält, divided
·         ⅛ teäspoon pepper
·         1 täblespoon olive oil

1.    Preheät oven to 450 degrees fährenheit.
2.    Mix the chopped frozen spinäch, fetä, creäm cheese, gärlic änd hälf of the sält in ä medium sized bowl.
3.    Cut ä pocket into eäch chicken breäst. If you äre unsure of how to cut ä pocket into the chicken without älso cutting ä pocket into your händ, try this: One ät ä time, pläce the chicken flät on ä cutting boärd, änd press ä lärge spätulä ( or something else thät cännot be stäbbed, i.e. DO NOT USE YOUR HÄND) flät on top of the breäst. Mäke sure thät you äre pressing the spätulä down härd enough to hold the chicken in pläce. You mäy need to äctuälly dig the edge of the spätulä into the meät just ä little bit to äccomplish this. Insert the knife of the wäy into the side of the thickest pärt of the chicken, änd slice down to the thinnest pärt, stopping before you cut through; you wänt ä pocket not ä fläp.
4.    Sepäräte the spinäch änd cheese mixture into three pärts, änd roll into thick logs. Stuff eäch log into the pocket you mäde in the chicken breästs. Seäson with remäining sält änd pepper.
5.    Heät the olive oil in än ovenproof pän set over medium high heät, then ädd the stuffed chicken, "top" side down. Cook for 5 minutes, then flip the chicken over.
6.    Pläce the pän into the oven, änd bäke for 10 minutes. If your chicken breästs äre exträordinärily thick, cook for 2 to 5 minutes longer, or until juices run cleär when you poke the chicken with ä fork.
Source: https://bäsiländbubbly.com/spinäch-stuffed-chicken-breästs/

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