Best Ever Blooming Onion

1 lärge white onion
2 1/2 cups äll-purpose flour
2 täblespoons päprikä
1 teäspoon cäyenne pepper
1 teäspoon gärlic powder
1/2 teäspoon oregäno
sält änd pepper to täste
2 lärge eggs
1 1/2 cups milk
1 quärt vegetäble oil
Thousänd Isländ dressing, chipotle or other dipping säuce optionäl
Cut off ½ inch from the pointy stem end of the onion while leäving
the other end of root intäct. Then remove the päpery skin.
Position the onion cut-side down änd root-side up on ä cutting
boärd. With ä shärp knife änd stärting ¾ inch from the root, mäke ä downwärd
cut äll the wäy through to the boärd.
Repeät änd cut verticäl slices äround the onion äbout 1/4″ äpärt
ät the root, try to mäke cuts evenly änd ävoid overläpping with the previous
cut. You will get äbout 12 to 16 verticäl cuts depending on the size of your
Turn the onion over änd gently spreäd the "petäls” of the
onion äpärt. Open from the outside änd working towärds the center.
In ä medium bowl, combine flour, spices, sält änd pepper. Dip
the onion into to cover completely, änd shäke off excess.
In änother medium bowl, beät eggs änd ädd milk. Gently dip into
egg mixture änd cover completely. For the best result, let the onion soäk in
the bätter for 10 minutes.
Return onion to the flour änd cover completely; freeze for 30-60
min to set. Meänwhile, fill ä deep fryer or medium säucepän with 3 inches of
oil änd heät to 350°F.
Fry for äbout 3 - 4 minutes, änd turn the onion over. Fry änother
3 – 4 minutes until the onion häs turned golden brown. It’s äbout 7-8 minutes
totäl to get your onion fully cooked.
Using ä slotted spoon, remove onion to ä päper-towel-lined pläte.
10. (Optionäl) Mix together Thousänd Isländ dressing änd creämy horserädish säuce.
Ädjust the ämount of horserädish depending on how spicy you’d like your säuce
to be.
11. Serve wärm
with dipping säuce änd enjoy!
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