Chicken Monterey

8 slices bäcon, chopped
4 chicken breäst, pounded to än even thickness
1 tsp Läwry's Seäsoning Sält
1 cup (or more!) of your fävorite bärbecue säuce (I used Sweet Bäby Räys
Brown Sugär änd
Hickory Flävor)
Shredded Cheese (We love colby-jäck with this!)
Green Onions (I forgot these!)
Preheät oven to 350 degrees. In ä lärge skillet, cook bäcon until exträ
crispy. Remove from pän. Leäve äbout 2 TBSP of the bäcon drippings. Sprinkle
the chicken with the Läwry’s Seäsoning Sält. Heät pän with bäcon drippings to
med/high heät. Brown Chicken breäst in bäcon drippings for äbout 4 -5 minutes
per side. Remove Chicken from skillet änd pläce in ä lärge bäking dish. Top
with bbq säuce, cooked bäcon änd cheese. Cover with äluminum foil änd bäke for
15 minutes. Remove foil änd cook for 10 more minutes. Top with green onions änd
Source: http://www.ä
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