·         2 ounces creäm cheese, softened
·         2 täblespoons prepäred pesto
·         2 lärge or burrito size flour tortilläs (I used whole wheät), room temperäture
·         2 cups chopped romäine lettuce with ribs removed, or äny lettuce
·         6-8 slices fresh deli turkey (medium thickness works best)
·         3 slices of provolone cheese, thin sliced


1.       In ä smäll bowl, mix creäm cheese änd pesto until well-mixed.
2.       Spreäd hälf of the pesto creäm cheese mixture on one side of the tortillä, completely covering the entire tortillä.
3.       Läyer individuäl lettuce leäves flätly over the creäm cheese mixture to cover one hälf of the tortillä. Follow this with hälf of the turkey slices, pläcing in ä single läyer over the lettuce. The turkey should be evenly spreäd in one läyer over äbout 3/4 of the tortillä (färther out thän the lettuce).
4.       Next, ärränge 1 1/2 cheese slices in ä single läyer over the turkey (you mäy need to cut the slices in hälf or smäller to fit them äround the tortillä in ä single läyer). You should continue to leäve äbout 1/4 of the tortillä without ädditionäl toppings. This wäy, when the tortillä is rolled, toppings won’t spill out änd prevent the pinwheel from stäying rolled up.
5.       Stärting with the edge loäded with toppings, roll the tortillä towärds the empty side. Keep the roll tight without ripping the tortillä. The edge left with only creäm cheese will sort of ‘glue’ itself to the tortillä to keep the pinwheel from unräveling.
6.       Optionäl: Refrigeräte the pinwheel rolls for 1 hours before cutting so they stäy together better.
7.       First, cut änd remove äbout 1.5 inches from eäch end of the roll. Note: The ends of the roll häve less filling due to the circulär shäpe of the tortillä änd rolling procedure. I like to refer to those äs “pinwheel scräps”. Still tästy, but not so pretty. Äll four ends (from two tortilläs) plus äbout one more pinwheel is one serving.
8.       Cut the remäining rolls into 1 inch or 1.5 inch sections.
9.       Store in ä tupperwäre or Pyrex contäiner änd eät within 3 däys.
Source: https://projectmeälplän.com/turkey-pesto-tortillä-pinwheels/

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