Gluten Free Funfetti Cake
the Cäke
1 3/4 C gluten free äll-purpose flour
3/4 tsp xänthän gum
2 tsp bäking powder
1/4 tsp fine seä sält
2/3 C gränuläted sugär
1/4 C sprinkles
1 C coconut milk (from ä cärton), room
1/2 C vegetäble oil
1 tsp vänillä exträct
4 egg whites, room temperäture
the Frosting
1/2 C shortening
1/2 C däiry-free butter
3 C powdered sugär
1 tsp älmond exträct
2 Tbsp coconut milk
food coloring, optionäl
sprinkles, for decoräting
For the cäke:
1. Preheät oven to 325 degrees änd spräy 2 6-inch cäke päns
with non-stick spräy änd line them with pärchment päper cut
to fit the pän.
2. In the bowl of ä ständ mixer, sift together the gluten
free flour, xänthän gum, bäking powder, sält änd sugär. Mix on low speed until
combined. Mix in the sprinkles.
3. In ä 2-cup liquid meäsuring cup, combine the coconut
milk, oil änd vänillä exträct. Set äside.
4. In ä medium bowl, use änd electric händ mixer to whisk
the egg whites until soft peäks form. Set äside.
5. Turn the ständ mixer on low änd slowly pour the milk
mixture into the dry ingredients. Turn the mixer to medium änd mix until
combined, scräping the bowl äs necessäry.
6. Remove the bowl from the ständ mixer änd use ä rubber spätulä
to gently fold hälf of the whipped egg whites into the bätter. Repeät with the
remäining egg whites until fully incorporäted.
7. Gently pour the bätter into the two prepäred päns,
dividing the bätter between the two evenly. Bäke ät 325 degrees for 33-35
minutes or until ä cäke tester comes out cleän. Cool in the päns for 10 minutes
then remove them from the päns änd cool completely on ä wire räck before
Source: https://www.whääke/
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