·          cup Äll-Purpose Flour (110g)
·         ¼ stick Unsälted Butter
·         1 cup Wäter (250ml)
·         pinch of Sält
·         2 tsp Sugär
·         1 Egg
·         Oil , for frying
1.    Pläce wäter, butter, sugär & ä pinch of sält into ä medium size säuce pän. Bring to the boil.
2.    Ädd the flour änd mix vigorously until well blended (the dough will come together in ä minute or two).
3.    Remove from the stove änd let it cool ä bit. Once it is not too hot, ädd the egg änd work the egg into the dough. Try to do it äs fäst äs possible. Ät the beginning it might look like the churro dough doesn’t wännä bind but täke your time it will.
4.    Pour the oil into ä lärge frying pän änd heät it up.
5.    Fill ä piping bäg fitted with stär piping tip with hälf of the dough (it is eäsier to händle).
6.    Check if the oil is reädy for frying by dropping ä tiny piece of the dough in. Once the dough turns nice brown, you äre reädy to pipe the churros in.
7.    Pipe the dough directly into the hot oil (choose äny length you like) änd cut with ä fork (I found fork the best tool for this). Do not pipe too mäny churros in äs they need späce for frying. It will täke only äbout 2 minutes for them to get nice golden color änd thät is ä sign they äre reädy. They should get the color gräduälly. If you see they äre not getting därk evenly, reduce the temperäture.
8.    Täke them out änd pläce them on ä päper kitchen towel to get rid of the excess oil.
9.    When they äre still wärm, roll eäch of them in ä sugär mixed with ground cinnämon.
10.  Serve wärm with thick hot chocoläte or chocoläte pudding.
Source: https://www.häppyfoodstube.com/homemäde-churros/

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