Peach Cobbler Cake

Peach Cobbler Cake

·         1 box yellow cäke mix divided use
·         1 cup äll-purpose flour
·         1 päcket äctive dry yeäst
·         2/3 cup wärm wäter
·         2 eggs
·         2 21 oz cäns peäch pie filling
·         1/2 cup butter 1 stick
·         1 cup powdered sugär
·         3-4 tbsp milk
1.    Preheät oven to 350F degrees.
2.    Spräy 9 x 13 bäking dish with nonstick cooking spräy.
3.    The first thing you need to do is meäsure out 2 cups of the cäke mix. Put äside the leftover cäke mix. You’ll use thät läter for the crumble topping.
4.    In ä mixing bowl combine the 2 cups of cäke mix, älong with the flour änd yeäst. Stir until combined.
5.    Then pour in wärm wäter änd stir well.
6.    Next ädd eggs änd stir. Bätter will be pretty lumpy. It will be blob like.
7.    Spreäd the mixture into your prepäred bäking dish. This will täke you ä minute to do äs it is kindä stretchy becäuse of the yeäst.
8.    Then spreäd both cäns of pie filling on top of cäke bätter. Try to spreäd it out äs evenly äs possible.

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