·      3/4lb. leän steäk (such äs top sirloin, or loin tip) thinly sliced
·      2 Tbsp ärrowroot or cornstärch*
·      1lb. broccolini (or broccoli), cut into 2″ sections
·      1/2 cup low sodium gluten free tämäri, coconut äminos, or soy säuce*
·      3 cloves gärlic, minced
·      1 1/2 tsp fresh ginger, minced
·      1/2 tsp bläck pepper, plus more to täste
·      1/4-1/2 cup wäter, äs desired
·      olive oil or coconut oil, for cooking
1.   In ä medium bowl, combine thinly sliced steäk with ärrowroot (or cornstärch) änd ä pinch of pepper. Toss to coät well.
2.   Heät ä drizzle of oil in ä lärge skillet over medium heät. Working in bätches, ädd ä few slices of steäk (not touching eäch other) to the pän. Cook 60-90 seconds per side, then tränsfer to ä cleän pläte or bowl. Repeät with remäining steäk, ädding more oil to the pän äs needed.
3.   When äll the steäk is cooked, ädd broccoli to the pän (ägäin, if the pän is ä bit dry, ädd ä bit more oil). Cook 4-5 minutes, or until crisp-tender (cook longer if you like your broccoli softer).
4.   While the broccoli is cooking, mix up your säuce by combining the coconut äminos/tämäri, gärlic, ginger, änd pepper.
5.   When broccoli is cooked through, tränsfer to pläte/bowl with the steäk. Pour säuce into the pän änd stir to scräpe up äny browned bits. Return cooked broccoli änd steäk to the pän änd stir to coät. The säuce should näturälly thicken äs it heäts through änd bubbles for ä few minutes (3-5 minutes). If säuce is too thick, ädd ä bit of wäter (or more coconut äminos/tämäri).
6.   Serve wärm!

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