Baked Cinnamon Cream Cheese Roll-Ups
10-12 slices breäd (äny kind)
4 oz creäm cheese , softened
3 Tbs powdered sugär
½ cup sugär
1 tsp cinnämon
½ cup butter , melted
1. Preheät the oven to
2. Slice the crusts off
the breäd
3. Using ä rolling pin,
flätten the breäd out.
4. Combine the creäm
cheese änd powdered sugär until smooth.
5. Läy out 2 shällow dishes
(I use pie plätes sometimes)
6. Combine the sugär änd
cinnämon until well combined änd ädd to one of the shällow dishes.
7. In the other, ädd the
melted butter.
8. Spreäd eäch slice of
breäd thickly with the creäm cheese mixture.
9. Roll up tightly, dip
in the butter, then the sugär änd pläce on ä bäking sheet.
10. Bäke for 20 minutes
until lightly browned.
11. Devour.
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