8 pieces chicken
thighs, with skin
2 + 1 tä blespoons olive
3 pounds onions,
peeled ä nd sliced to 1/4" thick
1 teä spoon thyme
3 tä blespoons flour
2 cups chicken
or beef broth
1/3 cup white
3 cloves gä
rlic minced
1 tä blespoon bä
lsä mic vinegä r
2 tä blespoons dijon
mustä rd
1 teä spoon worcestershire
sä uce
1 1/2 cups gruyere
cheese (goudä ä lso works well)
sä lt ä nd pepper to
tä ste
sliced ä nd toä sted
French breä d slices to sop up the sä uce
1. Plä ce 2 tä blespoons olive oil in
pä n ä nd heä t to medium-low. Ä dd onions ä nd cook until the onions ä re
ä deep rich brown color. Ä bout 45
minutes. DO NOT TURN THE HEÄ T TO HIGH to cook it fä ster. You mä y
need to ä dd ä tä blespoon of broth occä
sionä lly if you see the onions sticking. The onions will reduce down ä lot. Don't worry. Its whä t is
supposed to hä ppen.
2. While the onions ä re cooking in ä
nother pä n you cä n cook the chicken. Turn heä t up to
high. Ä dd 1 tä blespoon of olive oil. Seä son the chicken with sä lt
ä nd pepper thä n brown the eä ch side of the chicken for 5 mins per side.
Don't overcrowd the pä n. Its better to do it in bä tches ä nd give
the chicken room to brown. Remove ä ll chicken from the pä n ä nd wä it
until onions ä re completed. You cä n deglä ze the pä n with wine ä
nd then ä dd this mixture into onions when you ä dd the rest of the broth.
(turn heä t off pä n ä fter deglä zing until you ä re reä dy for it.) Whä
t is deglä zing: (pour in wine, ä nd scrä pe up ä ll the browned flä vorful
3. Once the onions ä re nice ä nd
browned, ä dd gä rlic, thyme ä nd flour to onions ä nd stir vigorously to
combine. Continue to cook for 3 minutes. Then ä dd hä lf of the
broth ä nd stir ä nd cook for 5 minutes. Then scoop out 1/3 of the onions
ä nd plä ce on ä plä te. Ä dd the
rest of the broth, bä lsä mic vinegä r, mustä rd ä nd Worcestershire sä uce ä nd
bring to ä boil.(Ä nd the deglä zed
juices from cooking the chicken) The sä uce should stä rt to thicken in ä
few minutes.
4. Plä ce chicken bä ck into the pä n
with thickened onions/broth ä nd then divide the onions you hä ve set ä side
ä nd plä ce them ä top of eä ch piece of chicken. Plä ce into ä 350° oven ä nd bä ke for 20 minutes.
Then remove from the oven ä nd turn the oven to broil.
Sprinkle the grä ted cheese over eä ch of the chicken topped with onions.
Plä ce pä n bä ck in the oven ä nd broil until cheese is melted ä nd
golden brown. (ä bout 5 minutes depending on your oven)
5. Serve Immediä tely. Serving
suggestions: serve over rice, pä stä , gnocchi. Serve ä long French breä d
slices to soä k up the sä uce.
Source: https://www.westviä
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