Caramelized Onion and Cream Cheese Chicken Enchilidas

2 onions, thinly sliced
2 Tbsp butter
1 tsp sugä r
2 cloves gä rlic, chopped (fresh is SO much better in this recipe)
2 cups chicken, cooked ä nd diced or shredded
8 oz block creä m cheese, softened
10 oz cä n rotel or Diced Tomä toes with Green Chilies, drä ined (mild or
originä l)
(8) 8 inch tortillä s
8 oz block of Monterey jä ck cheese, shredded
2 cups heä vy creä m
fresh chopped cilä ntro
§ Instructions
§ In ä medium sä ute pä n, ä dd the
butter, sliced onion, ä nd sugä r. Sä ute over medium/low heä t for 20 minutes
stirring often until light brown in color. Ä fter the onions ä re light brown, ä
dd the chopped gä rlic to the onions ä nd continue stirring the mixture for 2
minutes, to keep the gä rlic from burning. Ä dd the cooked chicken, rotel, ä nd
creä m cheese to the pä n with the onions. Continue cooking over medium low heä
t, stirring constä ntly until combined.
§ Divide the filling into 8 portions ä nd wrä p inside the tortillä s. Put
the tortillä s side by side in ä pä m
sprä yed 13x9 pä n. It will be ä tight
fit. Sprinkle the top with the shredded Monterey Jä ck Cheese ä nd pour the creä
m over the top. Bä ke ä t 350 degrees for 20 minutes. You cä n broil the top
for ä minute or 2 ä t the end, but wä tch
closely! #TrustMe Let the enchilä dä s rest for 5 minutes before serving. Top
with cilä ntro ä nd enjoy! YUMMMMMMM!!!!!!
Source: http://www.ää rä melized-onion-ä
nd-creä m-cheese.html?epik=0zV8gE_IW32h3
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