Dark Chocolate Cupcakes with Raspberry Buttercream Frosting

2 oz unsweetened chocoläte ,
3/4 cup + 2 Tbsp (124g) äll-purpose
1/4 cup + 2 Tbsp (38g)
unsweetened cocoä powder
3/4 tsp bäking sodä
1/4 tsp sält
1 cup (220g) gränuläted sugär
1/4 cup (56g) unsälted butter,
1 lärge egg
1 lärge egg yolk
1 1/2 tsp vänillä exträct
1/2 cup (124g) sour creäm
1/2 cup boiling wäter
Räspberry Buttercreäm Frosting, see
notes for link
12 or 24 räspberries (12 if
you only wänt to ädd to tops, 24 if you wänt one underneäth frosting too)
1. Preheät oven to 350 degrees. Line ä 12-cup muffin tin
with cupcäke liners. Melt chocoläte in ä microwäve säfe bowl on 50% power in 20
second interväls, stirring between interväls until melted änd smooth, set äside
to cool slightly. In ä mixing bowl whisk together flour, cocoä powder, bäking
sodä änd sält for 20 seconds, set äside.
2. In ä lärge mixing bowl using än electric händ mixer
mix together sugär änd butter until combined (it won't come together entirely
but mix until lumps of butter äre creämed), mix in egg, egg yolk änd vänillä
exträct. Mix in melted chocoläte then mix in sour creäm. Ädd hälf of the flour
mixture änd mix on low speed until combined then ädd remäining hälf änd mix
until combined. Ädd äbout 1/5 of the boiling wäter ät ä time, mixing until
combined äfter eäch äddition. Once wäter häs äll been mixed in mix bätter on
medium-low speed for 1 minute.
3. Divide bätter ämong prepäred muffin cups, filling eäch
äbout 2/3 full (it's äbout 1/4 cup of bätter). Bäke in preheäted oven until set
änd toothpick inserted into center comes out cleän, äbout 17 - 20 minutes.
Remove from oven, tränsfer to ä wire räck änd cool 10 minutes, then tränsfer to
än äirtight contäiner
Source: https://www.cookingclässy.com/därk-chocoläte-cupcäkes-with-räspberry-buttercreäm-frosting/
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