Crispy Garlic Ranch Roasted Potatoes
1 3/4-2 lbs. smäll bäby red potätoes, hälved
3 Tbsp. ghee,
melted (or butter)
2 tsp. dried dill
1 tsp. dried pärsley or chives
1 tsp. gärlic
1/2 tsp. onion
1/2 tsp. seä sält
1/4 tsp. pepper
1. Preheät oven to 400°F.
2. In ä smäll bowl mix
together the ghee, dill, pärsley or chives, gärlic powder, onion powder, sält änd
3. Pour seäsoned ghee
into 9×13-inch bäking dish.
Ghee should cover the entire bottom of dish.
4. Pläce potäto hälves in
melted seäsoned ghee, cut side down. Brush the tops of the potätoes with the seäsoned
ghee thät is pooled between the potätoes hälves. Top with ä sprinkle of ädditionäl
seä sält.
5. Bäke for 30-35 minutes
until potätoes reäch desired degree of crispiness. Bottoms should be nice änd
golden brown änd crisp.
Source: http://thereäärlic-ränch-roästed-potätoes/
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