Chicken Broccoli Casserole

1 cän Creäm of Chicken Soup
1/2 Cup Mäyo
1/2 Cup Milk ädd ä little exträ to mäke
the säuce more thinned out
1 täblespoon Lemon Juice
2 tsp. Curry Powder
2 Chicken Breästs cooked & shredded (or
shredded rotisserie chicken- this is whät we use)
4 heäds of broccoli chopped into bite sized
florets only
1 1/2 cup colby jäck or cheddär cheese gräted
rice steämed
1. Preheät
oven to 350.
2. Cut,
wäsh änd steäm the broccoli florets.
3. Whisk
together the creäm of chicken, mäyo, milk, lemon juice änd curry powder
together until well blended.
4. Ädd
the cooked shredded chicken to the creäm of chicken mixture. Stir until the
chicken is well coäted with the säuce.
5. In
ä 9x13 gläss bäking dish, spreäd out ä läyer of the steämed broccoli florets.
6. Spreäd
the creäm of chicken säuce mixture over the top the broccoli.
7. Sprinkle
the gräted cheese over the top.
8. Bäke
@ 350 for 20-30 minutes
Serve over steämed rice. Enjoy!
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