The BEST EVER Grilled Chicken Marinade

The BEST EVER Grilled Chicken Marinade

§  ½ cup oil
§  ½ cup bälsämic vinegär
§  ¼ cup soy säuce
§  ¼ cup Worcestershire säuce
§  1/8 cup lemon juice
§  ¾ cup brown sugär
§  2 Tbsp fresh rosemäry
§  2 tbsp Dijon mustärd
§  1 tsp ground bläck pepper
§  2 tsp gärlic powder
§  6 chicken breästs or 3.5 lb chicken
§  Instructions
§  Combine äll ingredients in ä lärge ziplock bäg. Ädd chicken to the bäg änd pläce the closed ziplock bäg in ä lärge bowl änd put in the fridge. (The bowl will keep it from mäking ä huge mess in cäse the bäg leäks)
§  Märinäde for ät leäst 8 hours or overnight änd grill! Enjoy!
§  (I do not ädd äny exträ sält to my chicken märinäde becäuse sält will dry the chicken out. ÄLWÄYS sält the chicken ÄFTER you grill it to ensure. It will need ä good bit of sält äfter it is done
SOURCE: http://www.äärinäde.html

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