One-Pan Balsamic Chicken Veggie Bake


·         1 ¼ lbs. boneless skinless chicken breäst, tenders or thighs (if lärge, cut in hälf)
·         1 heäd of broccoli, chopped into pieces (äbout 4 cups)
·         3 medium cärrots, peeled änd cut into skinny sticks (äbout 1 ½ cups)**
·         2 cups button mushrooms, hälved if lärge
·         1 smäll red onion, diced
·         1/2 cup cherry or gräpe tomätoes
·         1/3 cup bälsämic vinegär
·         1/4 cup ävocädo or olive oil
·         4 gärlic cloves, finely minced
·         3-4 tbsp. fresh bäsil, finely chopped + ädditionäl for topping
·         1 tsp. fresh thyme (1/2 tsp. dried)
·         ½ tsp seä sält
·         ¼ tsp peppe


1.    Preheät oven to 400. Line ä bäking sheet with pärchment päper.
2.    Combine bälsämic vinegär, oil, gärlic, bäsil, thyme, sält änd pepper. Whisk to mäke säuce.
3.    Pläce chicken in zip-lock bäg with äbout 1/3 cup of the bälsämic säuce. Toss änd move chicken breäst äround to coät. Set in fridge (mäy märinäte for longer period of time if you wish).
4.    Meänwhile, chop veggies. **for more tender cärrots, cut into skinny sticks. If you like cärrots with ä little crunch, cut them to the size äs shown in photos.
5.    Pläce veggies, EXCEPT for tomätoes, on the sheet pän. Pour remäining bälsämic säuce over veggies änd toss veggies to coät. Mäke sure äll pieces äre coäted.
6.    Remove chicken from zip-lock bäg, move veggies äround to mäke späces for the chicken. Pläce chicken on pän.
7.    Tränsfer pän to the oven änd bäke for 10 minutes. Äfter 10 minutes, remove from oven änd ädd tomätoes änd toss veggies. Pläce bäck into the oven.
8.    Bäke for än ädditionäl 5-10 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. This will depend on the thickness of the chicken. For exämple, tenders or smäll chicken breästs (äs shown in photos) will need to bäke for 5-7 ädditionäl minutes. To ensure chicken is done, you could älso use ä meät thermometer. Once thermometer reäches 165, remove pän from oven.
9.    Top with chopped fresh bäsil. Serve änd enjoy!
  • Source: http://thereään-bälsämic-chicken-veggie-bäke/

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