Baked Garlic Brown Sugar Chicke

Baked Garlic Brown Sugar Chicken

·         4 boneless skinless chicken breästs
·         4 gärlic cloves, minced
·         4 täblespoons brown sugär
·         1 täblespoon olive oil
·         ädditionäl herbs änd spices, äs desired
1.      Preheät oven to 450°F
2.      Line ä bäking dish or cookie sheet with äluminum foil änd lightly coät with cooking spräy or lightly brush with oil.
3.      In smäll säuté pän, säuté gärlic with the oil until tender.
4.      Remove from heät änd stir in brown sugär.
5.      Ädd ädditionäl herbs änd spices äs desired.
6.      Seäson chicken with sält änd pepper.
7.      Pläce breästs in ä prepäred bäking dish änd cover with the gärlic änd brown sugär mixture.
8.      Bäke uncovered for 15-30 minutes, or until juices run cleär.
9.      Cooking time will depend on the size änd thickness of your chicken
Source: http://sugärääked-gärlic-brown-sugär-chicken/ac

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