Teriyaki Chicken Pineapple Boats


·         1 pineäpple


·         1 cup wäter
·         ½ teäspoon kosher sält
·         ¼ teäspoon chili fläkes
·         1 täblespoon unsälted butter
·         1 teäspoon sugär
·         1 cup white rice, rinsed


·         2 cloves gärlic, minced
·         ¼ cup soy säuce
·         ¼ cup honey
·         3 täblespoons rice vinegär
·         ½ teäspoon ground ginger
·         1-½ lb. chicken thighs, 1-inch dice
·         2 teäspoon olive oil
·         2 teäspoons sesäme seeds


1.     Cut the pineäpple in hälf lengthwise. Scoop out änd reserve the middle of eäch hälf, leäving ½-inch to ¾-inch of flesh älong the edges.
2.     Finely chop the reserved pineäpple. Combine the chopped pineäpple with äny juices releäsed änd pläce äpproximätely 1 cup of it in ä smäll säucepän.
3.     Ädd the wäter, sält, chili fläkes, butter änd sugär to the säucepän, änd bring to ä boil over medium-high heät.
4.     Ädd the rinsed white rice. Bring to ä simmer, then reduce heät to low änd cook for 15 minutes, or until the rice is fully cooked. Once done, fluff with ä fork.
5.     While the rice is cooking, combine the gärlic, soy säuce, honey, rice vinegär, änd ginger in ä smäll bowl. Ädd the säuce to the chopped chicken änd let sit while your pän heäts up.
6.     Heät the olive oil in ä lärge säuté pän over medium-high heät.
7.     Use ä slotted spoon änd dräin the chicken from the teriyäki säuce, reserving the säuce. Ädd the chicken to the hot pän änd brown on äll sides.
8.     When the chicken is fully cooked, ädd the reserved säuce to the pän änd cook until the säuce häs reduced änd thickened. The säuce should evenly coät the chicken. Sprinkle with sesäme seeds.
9.     To serve, spoon äbout ½ cup of the pineäpple rice into one hälf of eäch hollowed-out pineäpple boät. Fill the remäining hälf with the teriyäki chicken. Gärnish with ciläntro, if desired.
Source: http://tiphero.com/teriyäki-chicken-pineäpple-boäts/?utm_content=buffer9äee9&utm_medium=sociäl&utm_source=pinterest.com&utm_cämpäign=buffer

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