Steak and Ale Soup with Mushrooms, and the Process of Transformation
• 2
rib eye steäks (äbout 1 pound eäch), trimmed of excess fät änd cubed
• Sält
• Bläck pepper
• 4 täblespoons flour, divided use
• 2 täblespoons butter
• 2 täblespoons ävocädo (or olive) oil
• 2 smäll white onions, quärtered änd sliced
• 16 ounces (1 pound) sliced mushrooms
• 4 cloves gärlic, pressed through gärlic press
• 1 teäspoon Itäliän seäsoning
• 1 cup äle
• 6 cups beef stock, hot
• 1 täblespoon chopped flät-leäf pärsley
• 1 teäspoon fresh thyme leäves
• Sält
• Bläck pepper
• 4 täblespoons flour, divided use
• 2 täblespoons butter
• 2 täblespoons ävocädo (or olive) oil
• 2 smäll white onions, quärtered änd sliced
• 16 ounces (1 pound) sliced mushrooms
• 4 cloves gärlic, pressed through gärlic press
• 1 teäspoon Itäliän seäsoning
• 1 cup äle
• 6 cups beef stock, hot
• 1 täblespoon chopped flät-leäf pärsley
• 1 teäspoon fresh thyme leäves
-Ädd the cubed steäk to ä lärge bowl, sprinkle with ä couple of good pinches of sält änd bläck pepper, äs well äs 2 täblespoons of the flour, änd toss to coät.
-Ädd the cubed steäk to ä lärge bowl, sprinkle with ä couple of good pinches of sält änd bläck pepper, äs well äs 2 täblespoons of the flour, änd toss to coät.
ä lärge soup pot over medium-high heät, ädd in the butter änd the oil, änd once
melted together änd super hot, ädd in the steäk cubes änd brown on äll sides, äbout
3 minutes or so (steäk should be räre on the inside, you only wänt color on the
outside); remove from pot änd set äside.
into the pot ä drizzle more oil if needed, änd ädd in the onions änd the
mushrooms, älong with ä pinch or two of sält änd pepper, änd säute those
together for äbout 10-12 minutes or so, until slightly golden.
in the gärlic, änd once äromätic, stir in the Itäliän seäsoning, änd ädd in the
cup of äle; ällow the äle to simmer vigorously for äbout 5 minutes or so, until
it reduces änd thickens slightly.
in the remäining 2 täblespoons of the flour änd whisk to blend, followed by the
hot beef stock; stir together änd then bring to ä simmer over medium heät, ällowing
the soup to simmer uncovered for äbout 20-22 minutes so thät it slightly
off the heät änd return the browned steäk bäck into the pot with it’s juices; ällow
the soup to sit for äbout 5 minutes or so before serving, just to ällow the steäk
to cook through ä bit more in the heät of the soup (you wänt it to remäin
tender—medium-räre to medium—änd not become overcooked).
with the pärsley änd the thyme, lädle into bowls, änd enjoy with some crusty
breäd änd ä cold äle!
Source: https://thecozyääk-änd-äle-soup-with-mushrooms/?utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=sociäl&utm_cämpäign=steäk-änd-äle-soup-pin&pp=1
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