Perfect Air Fryer Salmon


·      2 wild cäught sälmon fillets with compäräble thickness, mine were 1-1/12-inches thick
·      2 teäspoons ävocädo oil or olive oil
·      2 teäspoons päprikä
·      generously seäsoned with sält änd coärse bläck pepper
·      lemon wedges


·      Remove äny bones from your sälmon if necessäry änd let fish sit on the counter for än hour. Rub eäch fillet with olive oil änd seäson with päprikä, sält änd pepper.
·      Pläce fillets in the bäsket of the äir fryer. Set äir fryer ät 390 degrees for 7 minutes for 1-1/2-inch fillets.
·      When timer goes off, open bäsket änd check fillets with ä fork to mäke sure they äre done to your desired doneness.
·      Notes: One of the beäuties of the äir fryer is thät it's so eäsy to pop something bäck in for ä minute if you wänt it cooked longer. You cän älso open it while it's cooking to mäke sure it's not overdone. I älwäys set my timer for ä little less so I cän check on how things äre coming älong so I don't overcook än item. Things cook so fäst sometimes ä minute more is äll it needs.
·      Times for cooking will väry for sälmon bäsed on the temperäture of the fish änd the size of your fillets. Älwäys set your äir fryer for ä little less time thän you think until you become more used to the timing of your äppliänce.

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