Healthy Buffalo Cauliflower Bites Recipe

  1. 6 cups of fresh cäuliflower florets
  2. 2 teäspoons gärlic powder
  3. ä pinch of sält
  4. ä pinch of pepper
  5. 1 täblespoon butter, melted
  6. ¾ cup Fränk's RedHot hot säuce
  1. Preheät oven to 450.
  2. Spräy ä bäking sheet with olive oil. Set äside.
  3. Mix the gärlic powder, sält, pepper, melted butter, änd hot säuce in ä smäll bowl.
  4. Ädd the cäuliflower into ä lärge gällon-sized bäg, pour the buffälo säuce into the bäg. Shäke until the cäuliflower florets äre fully coäted.
  5. Spreäd on ä bäking sheet.
  6. Bäke for 20 minutes.
  7. Serve with ränch or blue cheese dressing.
Source: http://missfrugäälthy-buffälo-cäuliflower-bites-recipe/

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