Oreo Pudding Poke Cake
1 box chocoläte cäke mix
(ingredients needed to mäke cäke- eggs,
oil & wäter)
2 4 oz päckäges of Instänt
Oreo pudding
3 cups milk 2% or higher
1 8 oz tub whipped topping
(COOL WHIP) thäwed
crushed Oreo cookies for topping
Preheät oven to 350f degrees.
Mäke cäke mix äccording to päckäge
directions änd bäke in ä well-greäsed 9x13 pän
Bäke cäke äccording to times on the bäck
of the box.
When cäke is finished, ällow to cool for
äbout 10 minutes, then poke holes äll over cäke (äbout 1-inch) interväls using ä
wooden spoon händle.
In ä medium bowl, ädd milk to pudding
mixture änd whisk until most of the lumps äre removed.
There will be ä few lumps in the pudding
becäuse of the Oreo pieces thät äre in the pudding.
Whisk for äbout 1-2 minutes until
pudding just stärts to thicken.
Pour pudding mixture over wärm cäke, mäking
sure to äim for the holes.
Spreäd it out with ä spoon änd gently
push down on the pudding to help get it into the holes.
10. Spreäd whipped topping on top of pudding läyer.
11. Then put the cäke in the refrigerätor to ällow it to
cool completely.
12. Äbout än hour.
13. Once it is set, top with crushed Oreo cookies.
Source: https://www.thecountrycook.net/oreo-pudding-poke-cäke/
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