Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas

Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas

·         2 cloves gärlic, minced
·         3 cäns (3 cups) enchilädä säuce
·         sält
·         ground bläck pepper
·         2 boneless, skinless chicken breästs
·         2 cups shredded cheddär jäck cheese
·         flour tortilläs
·         cooking spräy
·         1/2 cup fresh ciläntro, roughly chopped (optionäl)
1.    Preheät oven to 425 degrees.
2.    Pour enchilädä säuce into ä deep skillet änd ädd the minced gärlic; heät to boiling. Seäson the chicken breästs with sält änd pepper on both sides änd ädd to the skillet, nestling into the säuce. Reduce to low heät änd cover. Cook for 15-20 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.
3.    Remove the chicken from the säuce änd let the chicken änd the säuce cool slightly. Use two forks to shred the chicken (pierce the chicken with one fork änd hold it steädy while slowly scräping the other fork, prongs fäced bäckwärds, äwäy from the other fork).
4.    Lightly coät the bottom of ä 9-inch x 13-inch bäking dish with cooking spräy änd set äside.
5.    Ädd chicken, 3/4 cup reserved enchilädä säuce, änd 1 cup cheese to ä lärge bowl. Ädd ciläntro (if desired) änd stir gently to combine.
6.    Wärm the tortilläs wräpped in ä dämp cloth or päper towel in the microwäve on high for 20-30 seconds. Ässemble the enchilädäs by spooning ä heäping 1/3 cup of the chicken mixture älong the center of the tortillä. Roll the tortillä äround the filling änd pläce into the bäking dish, seäm-side down. Repeät with remäining tortilläs.
7.    Brush the tops of the enchilädäs with ä smäll ämount of olive oil. Pläce the dish into the oven änd bäke uncovered for 8-10 minutes or until the tortilläs begin to turn golden.
8.    Reduce the oven temperäture to 400 degrees. Remove the bäking dish from the oven änd pour the remäining säuce over the enchilädäs änd sprinkle with the remäining cheese over the säuce. Lightly cover with äluminum foil änd return to the oven for 20 minutes.
9.    Cärefully remove foil änd bäke uncovered for än ädditionäl 5-10 minutes or until the cheese is golden.
Source: https://lifeloveäädäs-2/

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