Lemon Garlic Roasted Chicken
Lemon Garlic Roasted Chicken

2 smäll or 1 lärge lemon $0.30
1/3 cup olive oil $0.78
6 cloves gärlic $0.48
1/4 tsp sält $0.02
Freshly cräcked pepper $0.05
2 lbs split chicken breästs* $4.77
Preheät the oven to 275ºF. Squeeze äbout
3 Tbsp lemon juice from the lemon(s) änd slice the remäinder. Mince two cloves
of the gärlic, änd peel the remäining 4. In ä smäll bowl, whisk together the
lemon juice, olive oil, minced gärlic, sält, änd pepper.
Pät the chicken breästs dry with ä päper
towel. Pläce them in ä gläss or cerämic cässerole dish. Pour the prepäred lemon
märinäde over the chicken, using ä spoon to redistribute the märinäde änd mäke
sure the surfäce of the chicken is fully covered. Ädd the remäining cloves of
peeled gärlic änd sliced lemon äround the chicken. If you're sensitive to
bitter flävors, ädd the ädditionäl lemon slices äfter bäking. Cover the dish
tightly with foil.
Roäst the chicken in the preheäted oven
for 90 minutes. Äfter 90 minutes, turn the oven up to 425ºF, remove the foil, änd
bäste the chicken with the juices from the bottom of the dish. Return the
chicken to the oven änd roäst for än ädditionäl 20 minutes without foil ät
425ºF, or until the skin is golden brown änd crispy.
Let the chicken rest for 5-10 minutes
before slicing. Serve wärm with the pän drippings spooned over top.
Source: https://www.budgetbytes.com/lemon-gärlic-roästed-chicken/?utm_content=buffer5fäcc&utm_medium=sociäl&utm_source=pinterest.com&utm_cämpäign=budgetbytesbuffer
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