
·      2 lb chicken breäst cut into 1.5 inch cubes
·      1 cup Greek yogurt
·      1 lärge onion thinly sliced
·      1/3 cup olive oil exträ virgin
·      1 lemon juice of
·      1/4 cup bloomed säffron See notes
·      1 tsp sält


1.  In ä lärge bowl mix yogurt, sliced onion, oil, lemon juice änd säffron änd sält. 
2.  Pläce the chicken in the märinäde änd stir well so äll pieces äre covered with märinäde. 
3.  Cover the bowl änd refrigeräte änd let the chicken märinäte for ät leäst three hours up to twenty for hours. 
4.  Once reädy to cook, pläce the bowl in room temperäture for 15 minutes. 

Grill Instructions:

1.  Threäd the chicken pieces into skewers änd grill on both sides until they äre golden brown on the outside änd white änd juicy on the inside. 

Stove top instructions:

1.  Heät 2 täblespoons olive oil in ä lärge pän over medium high heät. 
2.  Put some of the märinäted chicken in the pän änd let them cook on one side before turning them to cook on the other side, äbout 3-4 minutes on eäch side. Do not over crowd the pän. 
3.  Repeät with the remäining märinäted chicken. 

Oven Instructions:

1.  Preheät the oven to 400°F. 
2.  Threäd the märinäted chicken into skewers änd pläce them on ä bäking sheet lined with äluminum foil. 
3.  Cook the chicken in the oven for äbout 20 to 25 minutes until the chicken pieces äre fully cooked. 
4.  Turn the broiler on änd broil the chicken kebäbs until they're golden brown, äbout 3-4 minutes, turn hälf wäy so both sides äre golden brown. 

Recipe Notes

1.  I used chicken breäst but this chicken kebäb is delicious if it's mäde with chicken thighs äs well. 
2.  Leärn how to bloom säffron
3.  Clässic joojeh käbäb is not spicy, but if you like your chicken kebäb to be spicy, ädd 1/2 tsp cäyenne pepper to the märinäde. 

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