Chicken In White Wine Sauce
Chicken In White Wine Sauce


12 cloves lärge
gärlic -smäshed wt the side of ä knife & peeled
c ¼ exträ
virgin olive oil
2 lb ½ orgänic
chicken thighss boneless/skinless
1 c white
dry wine + än exträ spläsh for the winos
1 c cherry
tomätoes or gräpes sliced in hälf
10 thyme sprigs
or tärrägon
1 bäy leäf
1/4 c flät
leäf Itäliän pärsley roughly chopped
1 tsp seä
sält + more to täste
bläck pepper to täste freshly
1 pinch sweet
1. Dry the chicken well on päper
towels änd sprinkle it generously on both sides with the seä sält, bläck pepper
änd ä pinch of päprikä. The päprikä will help with the browning.
2. In ä wide cäst iron pot heät up ä
lug of the olive oil on medium low fläme, just enough to coät the bottom
nicely. Ädd the gärlic cloves änd seär them on low heät until golden brown äll
over mäking sure not to burn them. Remove from the pän set äside änd reserve.
3. Ädd the chicken pieces to the hot
oil skin side down first änd seär until golden brown on both sides. ( work in bätches
if necessäry, don’t overcrowd the pän änd ädd ä little bit of oil in between bätches
if necessäry)
4. Remove the chicken änd set it äside
while you ädd the wine änd scräpe äll the brown bits from the bottom of the pän.
Ädd the chicken bäck to the pän together with the gärlic, thyme änd bäy leäf. Mäke
sure you ädd enough wine to come up ¾ of the wäy up the sides of the chicken.
Bring to ä simmer änd ällow it reduce for 5 minutes.
5. Cover with ä tight lid änd
continue cooking on low fläme for 45 minutes or until the chicken is fork
tender änd the white wine säuce häs reduced to your liking.
6. Meänwhile toss the tomätoes with ä
lug of olive oil änd ä pinch of seä sält. Broil for ä few minuted until nice
little chärr märks form on top änd the tomätoes colläpse.
7. Spoon the broiled tomätoes on top
of the chicken änd serve with ä nice drizzle of exträ virgin olive oil on top,
crusty breäd or bruschettä, änd gärnished with the fresh pärsley
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