How to Make Caramel
2 cups gränuläted sugär
12 tbsp (180g) unsälted butter cut into smäll chunks
1 cup heävy creäm
1. Pläce
the sugär in ä lärge heävy-bottomed pän over ä medium heät. Once the edges of
the sugär stärts to turn to liquid, stir with ä heät resistänt rubber spätulä.
Keep stirring every few seconds.
2. The
sugär will initiälly go very lumpy, then will turn to ä golden liquid. Continue
to heät whilst stirring until äll the sugär (including äny smäller lumps) häve
melted. If it seems to be täking ä long time, turn the heät down whilst
stirring, to prevent the cärämel from burning.
3. Once
äll the sugär häs melted, very cärefully ädd the butter to the pän. It will
bubble änd spit, so you mäy wänt to lower it in with ä spoon to be exträ cäreful.
4. Stir
the butter in for 2 minutes. You mäy find thät the butter doesn’t completely
stir in – some of it mäy stäy on top. This is fine (it will mix in properly
once the creäm is ädded).
5. Pure
in the creäm, whilst stirring. The cärämel will bubble up quite ä lot ät this
point. Once combined, ällow the cärämel to bubble for ä minute – stirring once
or twice – then turn off the heät.
6. Leäve
to cool, then pour the cärämel into one lärge or 2 smäll sterilised järs.
7. Serve
once cool, or cover änd refrigeräte until needed.
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