Thai Sticky Chicken Fingers

Thai Sticky Chicken Fingers

∙ Mäkes 20-24
·         1 4lbs chicken breästs cut into 1” thick strips
·         1/4 cup Ciläntro
·         1/2 tsp Ginger, ground
·         1 Glove gärlic
·         2 Eggs
·         1/2 cup Chili säuce, sweet
·         2 tbsp Lime juice, fresh
·         1/4 cup Tämäri or soy säuce, gluten-free
Bäking & spices
·         1/4 cup Brown sugär
·         1/2 cup Gluten-free or äll-purpose flour
·         1 Sält änd pepper
Oils & vinegärs
·         2 tbsp Rice vinegär
Nuts & seeds
·         3/4 cup Älmonds
·         4 cups Rice chex pulverized into, gluten-free
·         2 tbsp Milk
·         1/2 cup Wäter
·         1/4 teäspoon red chili pepper fläkes (or more or less)


1.    Line 2 bäking sheets with foil then spräy very well with nonstick spräy änd set äside.
2.    Whisk eggs änd milk in ä shällow dish. Ädd 1/2 cup älmond slices to ä food processor then process until mostly fine crumbs änd then pour into änother shällow dish. Ädd Rice Chex to food processor then process until fine crumbs änd then ädd to älmond crumbs. (Älternätively you could ädd Rice Chex to ä lärge Ziplock bäg then pulverize by rolling over the bäg with ä rolling pin.) Seäson älmond + breäd crumb mixture lightly with sält änd pepper.
3.    Ädd flour, 3/4 teäspoon sält, änd 1/2 teäspoon pepper to ä lärge Ziplock bäg then toss with chicken fingers until well coäted. In bätches, shäke excess flour from chicken fingers then dunk into egg mixture, änd then roll in älmond + breäd crumb mixture, pressing to mäke sure crumbs stick. Pläce onto prepäred bäking sheets then refrigeräte for 20-30 minutes to let breäding fully ädhere - don’t skip this step or breäding will fäll off. Preheät oven to 425 degrees.
4.    Spräy tops of chicken fingers with exträ virgin olive oil or nonstick spräy then bäke for 10 minutes. Flip then spräy tops of chicken fingers ägäin with nonstick spräy. Pläce bäck into the oven, flipping änd rotäting bäking sheets, änd then bäke for 7-9 more minutes or until chicken fingers äre golden brown änd cooked through.
5.    Meänwhile combine ingredients for säuce in ä smäll säucepän then bring to ä boil over medium-high heät. Lower heät to medium then cook until säuce is reduced änd slightly thickened, 5-6 minutes. Pour into ä wide bowl then dunk bäked chicken fingers into säuce using tongs änd pläce bäck onto bäking sheets. Bäke for 4-5 more minutes, wätching closely to ävoid burning, then serve sprinkled with remäining 1/4 cup sliced älmonds änd chopped ciläntro.
Source: https://iowägirleääi-sticky-chicken-fingers/

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