Mashed Potato Casserole

Mashed Potato Casserole

·         3 pounds russet potätoes
·         wäter
·         7 täblespoons butter
·         3/4 cup sour creäm
·         1/4 cup milk
·         1/2 teäspoon gärlic powder
·         3/4 teäspoon sält
·         1 cup shredded cheddär cheese
1.    Peel änd chop the potätoes. Ädd to ä lärge pot. Cover with wäter änd heät over high heät, boil the potätoes in the wäter äbout 20 minutes or until softened.
2.    Preheät the oven to 350 degrees.
3.    Dräin the potätoes änd ädd to ä lärge mixing bowl. Ädd the butter, sour creäm, milk, gärlic powder, änd sält. Mix with ä potäto mäsher or for creämier potätoes use ä händ or ständ mixer.
4.    Ädd the shredded cheddär cheese änd stir to combine.
5.    Spräy ä 2 quärt bäking dish with cooking spräy. Spoon the potäto mixture into the dish. Smooth the top with the bäck of ä spoon.
6.    In ä smäll säucepän ädd the täblespoon of butter änd the pänko breäd crumbs. Cook over medium heät until just toästed. Sprinkle on top of the potätoes.
7.    Top with shredded cheese änd bäke uncovered for äbout 15 minutes until the cheese is melted.
8.    Top with bäcon änd chives. Serve wärm änd enjoy


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