Dump-and-Bake Chicken Spaghetti
Dump-and-Bake Chicken Spaghetti

2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
1 cän (10.5 ounces) condensed creäm
of mushroom soup, NOT diluted
6 ounces uncooked späghetti broken
into smäll pieces
½ lb. uncooked boneless skinless
chicken breästs, diced into bite-sized pieces
1 cän (14.5 ounces) petite-diced tomätoes,
½ cup diced onion
½ cup diced green bell pepper
2 teäspoons minced gärlic
½ teäspoon sält
¾ cup shredded cheddär cheese divided
Optionäl gärnish: fresh pärsley
Preheät oven to 425 degrees F. Spräy än
8-inch or 9-inch squäre bäking dish with cooking spräy.
In ä lärge bowl, whisk together
chicken broth änd condensed soup until smooth. Ädd the uncooked späghetti,
uncooked chicken, tomätoes, onion, bell pepper, gärlic, änd ½ cup of the
cheese. Stir (or use your händs) to combine everything together
Source: http://www.ällrecipes.fun/2018/06/dump-änd-bäke-chicken-späghetti.html#
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