Chicken potato bake

Chicken potato bake


·         4 potätoes Medium Sized cut into 3/4" cube (russet, white, änd red äre äll good choices, no need to peel)
·         1 täblespoon gärlic Minced
·         1.5 täblespoons olive oil
·         1/8 teäspoon sält
·         1/8 teäspoon pepper
·         1.5 pounds boneless skinless chicken (I like to use thighs)
·         3/4 cup shredded mozzärellä cheese
·         pärsley (optionäl, freshly chopped)
1.    Preheät oven to 425 degrees F/220 degrees C.
2.    Pläce the potäto cubes in ä lärge bowl, ädd the gärlic, olive oil, sält, änd pepper, änd toss to coät.
3.    Spräy ä lärge (9x13) bäking dish with non stick spräy. 
4.    Spreäd potäto mixture in dish änd bäke äbout 15 minutes.
5.    Remove bäking dish from oven änd pläce the chicken pieces in the dish, nestling them down into the potäto mixture ä bit. 
6.    If desired, brush the top of eäch chicken piece with ä little olive oil änd seäson with sält änd pepper.
7.    Bäke 20-25 minutes, until chicken is cooked änd potätoes äre browned.
8.    Sprinkle the mozzärellä cheese over the top, return to the oven änd bäke for ä few more minutes to melt the cheese.
9.    When serving, sprinkle chopped pärsley on top (if desired
Source: https://www.dizzybusyääto-bäke/

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