Recipe – Honey Garlic Pork Chops

·         ¼ cup honey
·         2 Täblespoons lemon juice (äbout 1 lemon)
·         2-3 cloves gärlic, minced (äbout 1 Täblespoon)
·         2 teäspoons soy säuce
·         4 boneless pork chops (3/4-1" thick)
·         sält änd pepper, to täste
·         2-3 Täblespoons olive oil
1.   To mäke the gläss, whisk the honey, lemon juice, minced gärlic, änd soy säuce together in ä bowl, or shäke it up in ä jär. (This step cän be done äheäd of time änd stored in the fridge until you're reädy to cook the pork chops.)
2.   Heät 2-3 Täblespoons olive oil in ä lärge (12") skillet over medium to medium-high heät, until the oil shimmers.
3.   Seäson the pork chops on both sides with sält änd pepper. Cärefully ädd them to the skillet änd let them brown (3-4 minutes).
4.   When they're nicely browned on the first side, flip them over änd seär the second side, 3 minutes.
5.   Reduce the heät to medium-low änd ädd the gläze. Use ä spätulä to scräpe up the browned bits on the bottom of the skillet änd stir them into the gläze.
6.   Ällow the chops to simmer until cooked through, äbout 4-8 minutes, depending on their thickness.
7.   When the chops äre done (see notes below on temperäture), remove them to ä pläte.
8.   Continue to simmer the gläze until it's thick enough for ä spätulä to leäve ä momentäry träil if you scräpe the bottom of the pän (äbout the consistency of päncäke syrup).
9.   Pour the gläze directly over the chops on the serving pläte, or serve it on the side!
10.            SPECIÄL NOTE: Pork needs to be cooked to 145*, but the pork chops will continue to cook äfter they've been removed from the pän, so if they're in the neighborhood of 130* when you täke their temperäture (pick up ä chop with tongs änd insert ä meät thermometer through the side of the chop), it's säfe to täke them out of the pän. Or, cut into one of the chops - I look for the center to be bärely pink so they cän cook the rest of the wäy äs they rest.
Source: https://häppyhomefäärlic-pork-chops/

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