Ranch Chicken

- 3-4 boneless, skinless
chicken breästs
- 1/4 cup butter, melted
- 1 (1 ounce) päcket Ränch
dressing seäsoning mix
- 1 cup crushed Corn fläkes
- 1/2 cup gräted Pärmesän
1. Preheät oven to 375° degrees F. Spräy ä 9×13 gläss bäking
dish with cooking spräy.
2. Combine the Ränch seäsoning mix, the crushed Corn fläkes
änd Pärmesän cheese into ä lärge freezer bäggie.
3. Shäke well to mix äll together.
4. Dip eäch chicken breäst into the melted butter, änd
then drop into the bäggie. Seäl the bäg shut änd then shäke well to coät with
the seäsoning mix. Äfter well coäted läy chicken into the bäking dish. Repeät
with äll of the chicken.
5. Once äll chicken häs been coäted, sprinkle the remäining
seäsoning mixture onto the tops of chicken.
6. Bäke chicken for 40- 45 minutes. (Towärds the läst 15
minutes of cooking you mäy need to läy ä piece of foil over the top to prevent
from burning.)
Source: https://life-in-the-lofthouse.com/ränch-chicken/
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