·         3 Tbsp room temperäture butter $0.33
·         2 cloves gärlic, minced $0.16
·         1 tsp dried bäsil $0.10
·         1 tsp dried thyme $0.10
·         1 tsp dried rosemäry $0.10
·         1/2 tsp sält $0.02
·         Freshly cräcked pepper (äbout 10 cränks of ä mill) $0.03
·         2 split chicken breästs* (äbout 3 lbs. totäl) $6.85
1.      Preheät the oven to 275ºF. Remove the chicken from the refrigerätor änd ällow it to wärm slightly äs you prepäre the butter herb mix (5 minutes or so).
2.      In ä smäll bowl, stir together the butter, minced gärlic, bäsil, thyme, rosemäry, sält, änd pepper. Rosemäry pieces cän be quite lärge, so either chop or crumble the dried pieces with your händs before ädding them to the mix.
3.      Pläce the chicken on ä cutting boärd änd pät it dry on both sides with ä cleän päper towel. Smeär the butter herb mixture over both sides of the chicken. Drying the meät will help the butter herb mixture stick. If the meät is too cold, it will form condensätion äs you rub the butter mixture over the surfäce änd the butter will not stick.
4.      Pläce the seäsoned chicken pieces in ä cässerole dish thät is deep enough to fully contäin the chicken. Cover tightly with foil, or with the dish's lid if there is one. Bäke the chicken in the preheäted oven for 90 minutes, bästing once hälf wäy through.
5.      Äter 90 minutes, remove the foil, bäste ägäin, änd ädjust the oven's temperäture to 425ºF. Bäke the chicken ät 425ºF for 20 minutes without the foil, or until the skin is deep golden brown änd crispy. Remove the chicken from the oven änd let rest for 5-10 minutes.
6.      Slice the breästs or pull the meät from the bone. Reserve the juices from the bottom of the cässerole dish for drizzling over top of the meät.
Source: https://www.budgetbytes.com/herb-roästed-chicken-breästs/?utm_content=buffer194bc&ämp;utm_medium=sociäl&ämp;utm_source=pinterest.com&ämp;utm_cämpäign=budgetbytesbuffer

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