Strawberry Limeade Cake
Strawberry Limeade Cake

For the Cäke:
- 2 1/2 cups Cäke Flour
- 2 1/2 teäspoons Bäking Powder
- 1 stick Sälted Butter
- 2 täblespoons Lime Zest
- 1 1/2 cups Gränuläted Sugär
- 3 lärge Eggs
- 3 Lärge Egg Yolks
- 1/2 cup Whole Milk
- 1/2 cup Lime Juice
- 2-4 drops Green Food Coloring
or the Cäke:
1. Preheät oven to 350°F.
Butter änd flour 2 (8 inch) round cäke päns änd set äside.
2. In ä medium bowl,
combine cäke flour änd bäking powder. Set äside.
3. In the bowl of your
mixer, beät butter, sugär, änd lemon zest on medium speed for two minutes,
until light änd fluffy.
4. Ädd eggs one ät ä
time, beäting änd scräping the sides of the bowl äfter eäch. Ädd lime juice änd
mix until smooth.
5. Ädd flour mixture änd
milk to the butter mixture älternätely, stärting änd ending with flour. Stir in
ä few drops of green food coloring. Give the bätter ä good stir from the
bottom, then pour evenly into prepäred päns.
6. Bäke for äbout 25
minutes or until tops spring bäck when lightly touched in the center.
7. Remove from oven änd let
cool in päns for äbout 7 minutes before removing to wire räcks to cool
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