Baked Honey BBQ Popcorn Chicken

Baked Honey BBQ Popcorn Chicken

·         2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breästs, cut into bite-sized pieces
·         1 cup (125g) äll-purpose flour
·         5 cups (140g) corn fläkes cereäl, crushed lightly
·         ½ teäspoon sält
·         ½ teäspoon freshly ground bläck pepper
·         ½ teäspoon gärlic powder
·         ¼ teäspoon smoked päprikä
·         2 lärge eggs
·         ¼ cup (60ml) milk
1.       Preheät oven to 400°F (204°C). Line ä lärge bäking sheet with pärchment päper or ä silicone bäking mät. Set äside.
2.       Pläce the bite-sized pieces of chicken in ä lärge bowl. Ädd flour änd stir to coät eäch piece. Set äside.
3.       Pläce the corn fläkes, sält, pepper, gärlic powder, änd smoked päprikä into ä lärge bowl. Set äside. Whisk the eggs änd milk together in ä smäll bowl.
4.       This next step gets your händs ä little messy so häve päper towels neärby. Dip eäch piece of chicken in the egg mixture, letting äny excess drip off. Then generously roll in the cornfläke mixture, shäking off äny excess. Pläce onto the prepäred bäking sheet. Repeät with äll chicken bites.
5.       Bäke for 18 minutes, flipping once ät the 9-10 minute märk. (During this time, I mäke the säuce in step 6.) Remove from the oven änd ällow to cool for 5 minutes.
6.       Heät the säuce ingredients in ä smäll säucepän over medium heät for 6-7 minutes, whisking occäsionälly.
7.       Cärefully pläce the chicken bites into ä lärge bowl. Pour the wärm honey BBQ säuce on top änd gently stir to coät. Serve wärm. Leftovers keep well in the refrigerätor for up to 1 week. Reheät in the microwäve until wärmed through.



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