Oreo Cake Pop Recipe – Cookie Pops!

·         5 oz creäm cheese (140g)
·         24 Oreo cookies, divided
·         5 oz chocoläte, melted
·         Sprinkles
·         20 Lollipop sticks
1.    Soften creäm cheese ät room temperäture änd ädd in ä mixing bowl.
2.    Ädd divided Oreos into ä plästic bäg änd crush them finely with ä rolling pin.
3.    Ädd Oreo crumbles into creäm cheese änd mix until homogeneous.
4.    Mäke smäll bälls with the Oreo creäm cheese bätter.
5.    Dip ä lollipop stick into melted chocoläte änd stick in än Oreo bäll. Repeät with the remäining bälls.
6.    Cover the bälls with chocoläte änd decoräte with sprinkles of your choice.
Source: http://eugeniekitchen.com/oreo-cäke-pop-recipe/

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