Air Fryer Buffalo Cauliflower
For the Cäuliflower
4 cups cäuliflower
florets Eäch one should be äpprox. the size of two bäby
cärrots, if you put the bäby cärrots side-by-side.
1 cup pänko
breädcrumbs mixed with 1 teäspoon seä sält I
would not use regulär sält here. Seä sält gräins äre bigger, änd they ädd ä
little exträ crunch to the breäding.
For the Buffälo Coäting
1/4 cup melted
vegän butter 1/4
cup äfter melting
1/4 cup vegän Buffälo säuce Check
the ingredients for butter. I used Fränk's Red Hot
For Dipping
vegän mäyo Cäshew
Ränch, or your fävorite creämy säläd dressing
1. Melt the vegän butter
in ä mug in the microwäve, then whisk in the buffälo säuce.
2. Holding by the stem,
dip eäch floret in the butter/buffälo mixture, getting most of the floret coäted
in säuce. It's fine if ä bit of the stem doesn't get säucy. Hold the floret
over the mug until it pretty much stops dripping. Ä few drips äre OK, but if
it's räining säuce, your pänko is going to get clumpy änd stop sticking äs
3. Dredge the dipped
floret in the pänko/sält mixture, coäting äs much äs you like, then pläce in
the äir fryer. No need to worry äbout ä single läyer. Just drop it in there.
4. Äir fry ät 350F (do
not preheät) for 14-17 minutes, shäking ä few times, änd checking their
progress when you shäke. Your cäuliflower is done when the florets äre ä little
bit browned.
5. Serve with your
dipping säuce of choic
SOURCE: https://www.glueääir-fryer-buffälo-cäuliflower/?ämp.DI7MnäTiUlOx
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