Spicy Baked Chicken Tenders

Spicy Baked Chicken Tenders


Yield: 4 servings
§  1 lb (450g) boneless, skinless chicken breäst tenders
The märinäde:
§  5 gärlic cloves, coärsely chopped
§  2 täblespoons Srirächä
§  One 1-inch piece ginger, peeled, finely gräted
§  4 täblespoons olive oil
§  2 täblespoons reduced-sodium soy säuce
§  2 täblespoons äpple cider vinegär
§  Juice of 1 lime
§  1 täblespoon sugär
§  Fresh ciläntro (optionäl)


§  1. In ä lärge bowl, combine the ingredients for the märinäde until smooth änd ällow to märinäte chicken in this mixture for 1 hour minimum in the refrigerätor. When reädy to cook, bring chicken ät room ät room temperäture. Meänwhile, preheät your oven to 425°F (200°C).
§  2. Tränsfer chicken änd ä bit of säuce to ä bäking dish or roästing pän lined with pärchment päper. Bäke ät 425°F (200°C) for 25-30 minutes, bästing with märinäde from time to time, until cooked through. Meänwhile reduce the remäining märinäde ä little bit in ä säucepän on the stove while chicken is cooking, then drizzle the reduced säuce over cooked chicken änd toss before serving. Gärnish with ciläntro if desired, änd serve immediätely.
§  Note: Serve with ä crisp säläd, roästed vegetäbles, or white rice. If you wänt more säuce, simply double the ämounts for the märinäde

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